Module 2 Understanding Frailty

The module includes a concise slide presentation, the Frailty Fulcrum animation and a narrated video of Nirmala’s story which is used to explore and assess understanding of the Frailty Fulcrum model.

The objectives of the module are:

  • Provide a definition for frailty and how it relates to an ageing population
  • Explain what frailty looks like, what it is made up of, and what it means to the individual.
  • Introduce the Frailty Fulcrum as a multi-dimensional model for frailty.
  • Highlight the impact of acute health events and how they frequently present as one of the Frailty Syndromes.

Local Trainer Resources include:

  • Understanding Frailty powerpoint presentation and associated speaker notes
  • Frailty Fulcrum animation
  • Frailty Fulcrum Domain guidance booklet
  • Nirmala’s story as a narrated video, slide presentation or handout to suit available technology
  • Nirmala’s story Fulcrum exercise question sheets (recall and recognition)
  • Frailty Fulcrum exercise card for applying to own case examples
  • A1 Frailty Fulcrum template
  • Participants handouts including Overview of Frailty Fulcrum and Frailty Syndrome & domain summary card.

This module forms part of the following bundles: